When a bomb squad moves fast…

This needs “Ride of The Valkyries” as an accompaniment. Not sure if these guys are “going to” or “coming back”.

Birmingham Screwdriver

Naval EOD and the use of a size LARGE Birmingham screwdriver.

Weirder than weird – Fake bomb detectors now used by Hezbollah

Sometimes it’s simply too difficult to comment.  Here’s today’s example of the “beyond any understanding” category.

A. Over the past few months there have been two trials in the UK of individuals offering fake bomb detectors. The details can be seen here (Gary Bolton) and here (James McCormick).  I can assure you that these bomb detectors are a scam. I know this absolutely, and I’m appalled that people have bought them and indeed still use them. They are not only a scam but a very obvious scam. I don’t doubt that some ignorant people believe in them, but they are wrong, very wrong. There is no scientific reason to support their use. They are a toy sold in a criminal scam that puts lives at risk. Full stop. Period.

B. Today a car bomb was found in a suburb of Beirut known for the presence of Hezbollah. There’s a picture in the news this evening here, showing Hezbollah security staff using a fake bomb detector. Really.

Sometimes the world is too weird for comment.

Bomb Suit, 1933

EOD Tool from late 1700s


Here’s an interesting partial diagram of an EOD tool from the late 1700’s used to remove fuzes from shells.  I’m on the hunt for more of these.



Also for those who didn’t see an earlier post, here’s a link to an earlier post on an earlier EOD tool.

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